Sunday, March 13, 2011

Training: Day 1

Well my 1st day of training didn't go as planned...I had 4 miles on my training calendar and let me tell ya that during my run, I had a case of the runs. I had a shamrock shake last night and I think that caused a bit of indigestion....

I had a 1/2 banana and full glass of water when I woke up, my standard meal before a typical morning workout. Then I went potty and thought I was cleared out. I began running and was enjoying the peaceful morning with the hot air balloons overhead and no one else on the sidewalks. And then the Shamrock (SH)it hit, about 1 mile in, luckily still in my neighborhood, I had to walk to calm the bowels down. Well I walked for a bit and then thought I should probably jog home. And I did. And I went to the bathroom again. I felt better so I decided to go finish the last 2.5 miles of my run. Well about another mile into the run the same again I headed home and that's when I decided my 1st day of training would be 3 miles instead of 4 miles. I am happy that I got out there for 3miles. (SH)it literally happens...oh well. Tomorrow will be better. 8 miles.

I haven't ran 8 miles in a LONG time, but I can do it...

Birth to a New Blog

Well I am giving birth to a brand new blog. The goal of this blog is to keep myself honest during my current and upcoming training period. My goal is to complete a marathon by year end. But first....

This morning I started training for a 25k on May 14th in Grand Rapids MI. I bought my flight and will be staying with my best friend and her husband. Her husband will also be running the 25k and my best friend will be running the 10k. The best part of training is I will be ready for pool season and lose those 10lbs that I have put on during the past year of no training (more on that later). The hardest part of this race is that I will be doing the majority of the training ALONE. When I have trained before the races have been local and friends have also signed up so we trained together....

The only thing to keep myself going will be MYSELF. The only one forcing me to go out and train will be MYSELF. The only one watching my diet will be MYSELF. But I do think this training of my mind and body will be helpful when I am in the race and I need to push through that wall. I think this is going to be a complete transformation for my mind and body. A transformation that I will conquer with ease.

We Must Be Our Own Before We Can Be Another's. - Ralph Waldo Emerson